We had a good weekend. It was the company Christmas Party last night. One of the superintendents was stealing all of the attention by getting a little too friendly with some of the wives at the party. I was reminded by many people not to make a scene at the Company party, so not to worry, I'm good till next year.
Today Cassie and I went to lunch with some friends, and then to the Body World Exhibit at the Museum of Natural Science. It was a really neat experience to see the inner workings of the human body. Seeing what we are made of is just mind blowing and just reassures my belief in God. Our body's are an amazing work of art, I know I appreciate mine more. There were several eye opening features, but the most impressive was the set of lungs from a non-smoker and a smoker. The smokers lungs were so dark and much smaller than the healthy lungs. You can only hope that every smoker who walks through there makes the decision so stop after seeing how harmful it is.
It's off to bed in preparation for an exciting week at work. I discovered Saturday morning that I made a rather large screw up on a project that starts Monday, so I have very low expectations for tomorrow going well . . . can't wait to tell my boss what a dippy doo I am.
Have a great week, I'll hopefully get some more pics up soon.