Friday, June 12, 2009


Well today is the day. We are scheduled to meet Matt at the house around 10:30 for the final walk-through and then head to closing at 1:00.

It has been a while since I have blogged so I will try to catch you up from where I left off.

After talking about the landscaping and fence more with the builder, he agreed to move the landscaping to where we had clearly marked it out to be, however, he talked with his boss who reniged on the moving of the fence. His excuse is that it would technically be in the wrong place and that they would have to get a variance like the person behind us did and they didn't want to go through all of that, but basically they just didn't want to pay for their screw up!

The house came along over the past week and they completed most of the items. Monday Cassie and I met with Matt around 8:30 for the initial walk-through and came up with a list of about 40 items still remaining. We got most of the paperwork taken care of on the builders side and we planned on meeting today at 11:00.

Last night Cassie and I headed out to the house to check the progress and throw a box on the back porch to cover up the exposed surround sound wire that we ran. Well I was unpleasantly surprised to see how little had been done since we met on Monday and discussed what needed to be done.

Now if you know my personality, im more of an upfront, attack the problem and get it fixed type of guy. Not a laid back, it will get done when it get's done kind of guy and I was not impressed. Not knowing how to handle this, I decided to make a call to the Sales Rep, Mike and see If I could get him a little motivated, and hope that he could motivate Matt.

"Mike, I'm sitting here, the night before closing at 8:30, and out of the 40 item list there are probably still 20 on it, I am trying to deicide, should I go to closing tomorrow and assume they are not going to ever be fixed, or do I put off closing to make sure they get fixed?" Well let me assure you this excited Mike, he got very interested and assured me "as a friend" that he would personally make sure it was taken care of.

So I guess we will see what happens. We will meet with Matt around 10:30, and then we are set for Closing at 1:00. I have mentioned I might come back to work, but Dan was quick, to respond to not worry about it and enjoy the day off . . .the response I was fishing for.

All in all, we are going about 100 miles per hour trying to get it all done, we are finishing up last minute wedding coordination items, we are supposed to pick up the programs this afternoon, and Cassie is working on the seating assignments. I am closing up all of my projects and trying to pass them off to Brooke so he can handle it while im gone for the next two weeks.

I will post some new pictures of the "completed" house later this evening.


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